We are experienced business builders partnering with founders and company leaders to achieve their annual goals, one quarter at a time.

Companies spend +300 hours and invest over $50,000 in Annual Planning work where they leave aligned, but fail to deliver on outcomes over time.

Why companies fail to deliver.

Failure to execute on
quarterly targets.

There is no one dedicated to running the process.

The quarterly process is run as a side of the desk project.

Objectives are not co-created and self serving for those creating it.

Leadership team is working in silos.

Trust at the leadership level is low and not improving.

Shared accountability across teams is not clear.

Communication is not open nor actionable.

Lost faith in the

Leaders don’t know where the numbers come from.

KPI’s are not aligned
cross functionally.

There is no scenario planning for strategic decision making.

Quarter Mile Partners embeds experienced Finance and HR executives to successfully manage and navigate your company’s annual strategy,
one quarter at a time.

What we will deliver for you.

Lead execution of quarterly targets.

We will be dedicated to drive your quarterly process.

Your team only needs to execute and deliver.

Together we will create objectives.

Break down leadership team silos.

We will be mediators to lead open and constructive debate.

Shared accountability through clear ownership and support.

Create insightful and actionable communication programs.

Confidence in your numbers.

Remove bottlenecks from the source of truth.

Create collaborative KPI’s through a cause & affect lens.

Create different scenarios and tripwires as early detection signs.

At the end of the quarter, you will have taken the first steps to turn your company around and have the governance to succeed.
You will have new ways of working.
You will be aligned.
And you will deliver.

Our experience comes from building and scaling diverse companies.

Let’s work together.